I am aware I am in the wrong place, but I couldnt find the right place -so here goes.
Over the years I have seen awareness created by our auto magazines on the use of helmets by bikers in India. In fact, it is now a law that you have to use a helmet on Indias national highways. But unfortunately, most bikers have an excuse NOT to abide by this very safe(for them) rule. The excuses Ive heard about why they dont wear helmets are usually flawed and dont deal with some fundamental truths.
Lets take a look at what these heroes are stating by not wearing a helmet. Whether they are saying it out loud, or even acknowledging, they are still making these claims.
Their excuses for why a helmet should not be worn:
(1) But mom, I dont ride that hard.
You are claiming that you have psychic riding abilities? HUH?
Regardless of how you think you are going to ride, you dont really know what is going to happen. You are assuming that your actions are all that matters in this equation. What about the other 5000 or more vehicles/stray animals, lawless autos and people you will be passing during your ride? Do you know what they are going to do? Of course, many times the accident is not OUR fault. You must always be prepared
Think of it this way. Lets say you are going to go riding and you know you are going to have an accident. You know it as a fact. Sure, your first choice would be to not ride. But, if you still had to ride, wouldnt you want to have all of the best protective gear on when it happened?
We know protective gear does reduce injury. Sure, it doesnt eliminate it, but it does help.
(2) *But mom, I just cruise around town/ Most of my friends dont wear helmets so I dont/The roads in India are so bad, you cant ride above 40kmph.
You are saying that fitting in is more important than your health and well being? HUH?
Peer pressure doesnt end because we are not 16 years old. We all know how stupid peer pressure is, however, it is hard to avoid. YOU pay the price, not them. They wont pay your hospital bills or feel your pain. If something happens you will be the one that pays the ultimate price. Not them(or the girls you were trying to impress).
This one falls in with you saying that it messes your hair up or helmets are too hot. Look at the potential trade off and then put a hat on to cover your hot sweaty messed up hair when you get there alive and well.
(3) *But mom, Helmets dont work.
You are saying that a few millimeters of bone, skin and for most of us, hair, are as good or better than fiberglass and other space age, imported materials and decades of design and experience? HUH?
It is all I can do to not laugh when I hear this gem(3). For one, I am living, walking, and breathing proof that they do. My children have a father, my wife has her husband, my brothers have their brother, my nieces and nephews have their Uncle and my parents have their son because of a very simple act. I put on my helmet. Your decision will affect many people other than you.(yes I have had several near misses, but no broken bones).
If you look at any well done study it will show you that any ISI approved helmet does a better job than your head.
(4) *But mom, its my right to take that chance.
You are saying that it is your right to put yourself at a higher level of risk? HUH?
This one does tread on a philosophically slippery slope. Is it your right to put yourself at a higher risk? For many members of the public(specially the bikers elders), riding a motorcycle is perceived to be TOO much of a risk. Many bikers have paid a higher price for some insurance coverages just because they rode a motorcycle and Im sure they didnt like that.
It is a well known fact that if you are in a motorcycle accident, and you are not wearing a helmet, your injuries will be greater, you will spend more time and money recovering. Where does this money come from? It comes from a pool of money paid in by a group of people(insurance, family members). Sure, I dont want other people telling me too many things I have to do. But when a very simple step can produce such a significant result, it seems like the right, responsible and reasonable thing to do.
(5) *But mom, Im a good rider and have been riding for years.
You are saying you are a better rider than Evil Knievel, Mickey Doohan and all the other professional racing circuit bikers?HUH?
They are all professionals and yet, they all have fallen and hit their heads. You may think that is because they are professional riders and therefore at a greater risk.
Yes, professional motor sports are a higher risk job than being a train driver in Bihar. However, most professional riders have clauses in their contracts that limit or eliminate their freedom to ride a bike on public road
(6) *But amma, helmets are too expensive.
You are saying that you can spend about 40, 000 -60, 000 Rupees on your motorcycle, but you cant spend 500 bucks on even a basic ISI approved helmet? Or maybe you are saying Im worth all of the money my parents spent raising me, all of the years I spent learning my trade and about life, but Im not worth that 500 bucks for a helmet?HUH?
Finally my closing points:
Operating a motor vehicle is a privilege. Yes, a privilege. That specific term is often used when a person has their license suspended or revoked(which is very rarely done in India-(what with the corrupt cops taking a 50 buck hafta). Yes, it is yourright to pursue the privilege of driving(or riding) but it is a privilege to hold the license. As a result of this you are agreeing to do certain things like; insure the vehicle, operate it while obeying laws and regulations, Puc certificate etc.
Nothing says you have to ride a motorcycle. However, the nature of our society dictates that we have some reasonable rules in place to protect us from others. Being asked to wear a helmet does not sound like some crazy rule made by an evil government.
Keep it simple: Put your helmet on, along with your other protective gear. Then go for a ride and come home safely everytime and prove me wrong about needing a helmet. Its times like that Im glad to be wrong.
I personally wear a helmet and a light jacket. The helmet protects my face from soot/pollution(and protects) and the jacket keeps my shirt clean.
So the moral of the story is: wear your helmet at ALL times, when riding.