These days the cost of digital cameras has plummeted, now any one can afford a digital camera. I have started this link as to what you should do to keep your digital camera in shape and ready for action when you need it. Although digital cameras are maintainance free but they still need some maintainance which will not be given on the user manual and you have to learn by your own mistakes.
When Not using the camera take the battery out as it drains the battery and if you forgot about the camera for a long time the battery may damage the camera by leaking. (Unfortunately warranty does not cover damage due to leaky battery).
Before storing the camera away make sure that the memmory is empty. you would not like to loose all your photos due to a glitch. write a CD before keeping your camera (all CDRs can write multi sessions you can use a ordinary cd multiple times if you are a little carefull and do not overwrite your data). and you will have a blank memory when you want reuse the camera and can get out and get going with your camera.
Always keep your camera (when not in use, even between 2 photographs if they are more than 1 minute far.) inside the case it came with. it keeps the camera clean, and saves it from unwanted scratches.
Set your camera to auto off after 1 minute (so you do not have a dead battery if you accidently switch on the camera. it is just like having the auto keylock function of your mobile phone.)
To clean your camera wipe it by a damp cloth (mind it no wet things on the camera.) and if still the stain does not go off. let it be there do not fight with it. it will go off after a few trys with the damp cloth.
Check that the camera is off before removing the memmory stick. (the memmory will go kaput if you do so and so will your memmories.)
Always give the photographer a CD to get your photos printed never trust him with your camera or memory stick.
well these are the things which I have learnt from my own experiences that is why I am sharing them with you all so you do not suffer the losses I have in learning these small things.
happy shooting to all of you and enjoy your digital camera.