Maintnance and care of you microwave is easy, takes common sense and is an important factor for long term use.
Lets begin with proper cleaning:
Exterior-The exterior of most microwaves are painted. The exterior surface should be cleaned with a mild soap and warm water and thoroughly dries. Do not use any type of abrasive detergent on it, you will ruin the finish. (Dont forget to clean the touch pad too)
Door-Wipe the door window (interior and exterior)after each use to remove any splatters of food. Use a damp cloth and again, dry thoroughly. DO NOT use any type of window cleaner! Window cleaners are made for glass, and microwave windows are (for the most part) plastic.
Interior-USE NO CHEMICALS ! Chemical residue will remain and get into any food you are cooking. Once again, use a mild soap and warm water to remove any food splatters, and dont forget the top.(Thats where most food splatters go)
Turntable-Remove the turntable and the supports, these can either be washed by hand or placed in your dishwasher. Since the turntable is glass, it can be washed in any manner you wish.(Just dont drop it!)
If any cooking odors remain after preparing food (like fish or onions) heres a tip that works well. Youll need a 2 cup, microwave safe bowl. Add 1 cup of water, 2-3 cloves, the juice of 1 lemon, lime or orange. Place in microwave and boil for a few minutes and the odors should be gone!
Another important factor is proper ventilation. Always leave 2-3 inches of space between the microwave and any walls or other appliances.
Last by certainly not least, remember to check the power cord for any damage.(I usually check it about once a month or so)
And as with all appliances, be careful. Do not let children use it without supervision.
Take care of your microwave and it will take care of you for a long time. =)