Every body likes to go around places. Most of youngsters go by Bikes, and if you yourself brought a bike these are some of the things you should be remembering of.
Cleaning your bike. Might be a boring one but helps you to see in to bikes parts. Which will help you in when it breaks down.
New Bikes are to be handled carefully as if its foundation is smooth and steady it will long last. Never ever cross 40 till you pass 1000 or 2000 kms. Its always advised to drive your vehicle yourself and dont give it to others(be selfish).
Dont attach all rubbish things to your bike like short handle, all like short handles, can’t the company fellow recommend this handle. It will effect your shoulder and your bike. Dont keep any animal horn or anything else it will surely effect your battery.
Keep a good eye on your bike, check it with local mechanic or with showroom, never ever leave your vehicle alone when given to servicing. Listen to all possible noises from your vehicle, if found any do consult mechanic.
Do check the mileage of your vehicle, it will help in complaining with the mechanic.
Dont throw your bike in ditches and drive rough, drive it as your vehicle. Do check your air pressure once a month.
Use UNLEADED PETROL only that will help you to live and you can drive. Dont over pollute your surroundings keep your bike in low emission norms. Drive with a Helmet it will save you.