By doing a few simple things. you can improve ur biks mileage.
here are the things you need to keep a tab on.
always have the right air pressure in tubes.
always get air refilled at the petrol pump whnever u go for filling petrol.
if u dont go to ptrol pump frequently for petrol refilling . then
go to any shop frequently and get air checked and refilled.
also visit ur mechanic regularly and tell him to check ur engine oil regularly. say every 2 months or so.
use brakes as much less as possible.
keep ur bike serviced regularly.
all these will definitely improve ur mileage .
infact rsearch has shown that 3% mileage can be improved straightaway
by having right air pressure in tubes. but most vehicles. 2 n 4
whelers both dont have right air pressure. people r careless n dont
bother to get air filled in tubes.
so do take these things seriously.