I heard a lot about makdee and shweta prasad. At first I thought it will be like all that silly children’s films but I was surprised to see a really different film for children not run of the mill type. Director has done a very good job. The story line is different; the treatment is also very different. And I went ga ga over this cute little girl - Chunni, Munni, I mean shweta - she is amazing, fabulous I dont have words for her. I think our some of the new generation heroines should learn a thing or two from her. She looks so natural not earlier child artist type who used to give rubber face emotions or typical child made adult like expressions and dialogues. Although there were good actors like shabana, makrand but shweta stands above all. I really liked this fat fellow mogul-e-azam. He has also done a very good job. The treatment given to this film is of very high standards.
I just want to see it more and highly recommend this film to kids and their parents as well. It is fun to watch this movie as adults can also enjoy this film.
Once again heartiest congratulations to producer, director and caste of this film and I expect they will give us more good stuff in the future. Thanks for giving an Indian audience finally a childrens film that is really creative
My husband who is not fond of Hindi films especially childrens films as they are like keep ur mind at home type, really enjoyed this film. He sat throughout this film and really really enjoyed the film. He might go for a second time. He highly recommends this film