Make my trip has only one goal - to sell more tickets and packages. But once it has sold that, it has the worst after sales customer support base. They do not cater well to requests of cancellation or amendments in the ticket.
I booked a multicity international ticket for my father in December 2011. Here are some of the problems I faced:
After the ticket was booked, Make My Trip(MMT) sent me a mail stating that all tickets were confirmed. However, when I logged on to check my it showed that one ticket was not confirmed. After many complaints, make my trip finally confirmed the ticket for me. P.S. it was not informed to me by the agency that the ticket was not confirmed. they kept insisting that it was confirmed.
Due to some work, my father could not make it to the second flight. so I called up the agency a day before to cancel the ticket. The next day(i.e. day of flight) I get a call saying that cancellation cannot be done. As a last resort, I called up the airlines directly and got it cancelled. Now I am waiting for the refund but MMT is not giving my any update on my refund. I have written two mails to their support staff but it is always set on auto reply and no one has called up/ replied back to know when I would receive the money back.
I rescheduled the third flight as the trip got extended. Asking the agency to extend the third flight was like as if I have asked them their life. They kept saying that they cannot amend the ticket and that it should be done directly with the airlines. If they are my travel agents, why should I call up the airlines. It is their job to do that. They kept saying that there is nothing they can do. The executives are very unprofessional and untrained. Instead of helping out the customer, they choose to sit in the cafeteria for one hour saying we are working on your request and then call back saying sorry we cant do anything.
Their helpline numbers are not integrated. they keep bouncing you off from one number to another. Every time you give them the same details and every time they will give you only another number to call on.
I think with make my trip this proverb goes right - "naam bade aur darshan chotte" It was a painful experience booking ticket with them and I am still waiting for my refund. Given a choice, I would never never book with this agency again. They feel once they have sold the ticket, they have achieved their targets and helping that customer in need will take their time off from selling more tickets.