Last diwali I have booked bus one day before Diwali for Amar travelers. Timings were 10 PM to 9: 00 AM from Anand Vihar.I was ready to go to Anand vihar to 8 PM n suddenly I get a call from the travler that reach at Kasmiri gate as that bus was cancelled due to fault.
When I reached at Kasmiri gate and met with the guy who called me , he get me to a different travel agent office when I asked them why the travler got changed he said it is due to diwali crowd we have shifted you to different bus.I have ignored it n due to excitement for going to home town I forget those movements and sit in the bus finally Bus start very late about 1 AM and there are very few passenger sitting n condition of bus was very bad no charger plug working, ac not working properly, bus conductor charged me Rs 133 extra in between the journey,
They have dropped me at Kanpur when I asked the driver then he told me that bus is not full of passenger and we will bring you to another bus of same travel company.All passenger have waited around 2 hrs on bus stop with the conductor but no bus was reached n then finally conductor has asked to sit in Govt road ways general bus and he payed the amount from Kanpur to my destination.Finally I reached at my place at 9 PM means there was delay of 12 hrs that was very painful , I was also got sicked due to long hrs journey n my Diwali get smashed off due to this.
After one day when I complained this to MMT then they said they dont get involved in travler descisions n they have there own terms and condition.
This is very frustating from too big brand , dont know for other services from MMT but the bus service is very bad.This was my horriable expirence.