I booked a trip to Australia with Austravel August 2007. Leaving Ireland our visas werent on our passports!! Only I had a receipt to say I paid them we were in trouble!! It was Austravels job to make sure these visas were on our passports. We landed in Sydney after a stop over in Abu Dhabi, got married in Sydney, stayed 3 night in a hotel in Sydney, flew to Cairns and hired a campervan to travel back to Sydney and stay one night in Sydney hotel.
Austravel were to org everything except the flight to sydney return. They booked everything wrong!
I asked them to see if we had accommodation with our airline in Abu Dhabi, they never checked for me so we paid extra for taxis and a hotel even though our airline was providing all this free. They booked the hotel in Abu Dhabi for the wrong night. Luckily they werent booked up.
There was no bed in the hotel room in Sydney for our son. We got married in the botanic gardens and the expensive photographer was awful, our pictures are terrible!! even the aud$500 we paid for the wedding album was a rip off because it is falling apart!! We went to get our flight to Cairns and was told we werent booked on it. Austravel had booked it for the same day the wedding was on!!! We had to pay aud$900 for a flight we were lucky to get seats on!
We arrived in Cairns to collect our campervan and was told it was for collection in Brisbane!! Luckily after waiting for 2 hours the kind assistant sourced a different type of campervan for us (Austravel also ordered the wrong type of camper for us!!) and told us we had to pay aud$5000 for a deposit. We were not aware of this!! We got back our deposit but lost money due to the exchange rate!! We got reimbursed for some things in the form of a cheque posted to me with a slip of paper saying "cheque attached". No apology or regrets. I have never heard from them since. They will be hearing from me though!!