Break My trip, Break My peace, Break My patience Break my faith is what I call these buggers . I had gone against traditional wisedom of my father and book honeymoon trip for my elder brother through these guys on thier KL, Genting, Pinang, Sinagpore Route. The marketing department was prompt and cordial. I had raised all the small points like issue of visa fees, airport charges, theme park and entertainment tickets, quality and grade of hotel and amy many other issues for which every overseas traveller fears. I was assured repeatedly that mmt handles of such trips and that they care for comfort of their passengers and that they have great network. Also they emphasised that this package is better then the Europe or any other package since its 100% guided tour. Another most important aspect was that I was keen on being a part of the group because it gives sense of security and comfort and also services of tou rguide and and all. They assured that no singles are allowed and its group of 22 people right now with all being family or couples from various parts of country.
But these buggers are damn liers and their lies were exposes at Delhi airport when no one turned up to guide my bro and sis in law to the international airport. The marketting guy who had called 20 times in 3 days and claimed he will introduce them to other co travllers never turn up and in fact the biggest lie was that no group was travelling. The MMT guys had claimed a group of 22 people first and last day claimed they full 30 member group. but there was no group. Even the senior most person named Mr Alok claimed that there was a gropu of 16 but then it was never there .
The BMT( MMT) guys did not give the hotel booking vouchers and the local tour vouchers air port transfer vouchers as per their pre booking assurance and commitments on last day of travell they told it will be given at airport by the local guy who would be coming there to receive them .
Then the horror show began. No one turned up at Kualalampur Air Port to receive them. The localTour guide number was not responding for hours and it took 8-9 hours to reach the deisgnated hotel from KL Airport. mean while my brother could meet another victim of BMT guys, . They guy with his 2 kids and wife was shattered and contemplaing return in first day itself but I guess two victims could solace each other and they carried on.The Driver was not even aware of the passengers and the number of people he had to ferry to KL city. He simple dropped my bro at hotel door and drove away. Then hotel first refuses to confirm the bookings and then askes for big sum as security deposit. First day is wasted already. The dinnerswasoffered at tacky restaurent where you would never go . The next day the local tour is conducted in great hurry and scant details . My brother was shown the Twin towers from miles away. The tour was conducted in very poor fashion, its really a shame that these guys are tarnishing the image of intenet commerce.
Finally my brother could contact me and I took the senior guy to task HIs name is Alok he aslo turned out to be a bigger liar and put all the blame on the local tour operator and problems due my brother being first time traveller. He lied again by telling my brother missed the time table and the fact was that no turned up for 2 hours to fetch them from the hotel reception. The local tour operator redemed himself by sending a proper taxi . Here also MR Alok lies and tells that they will be united with the group but it was lie through and through.
On their way to genting there was no tour guide the driver was most uncaring and un responding and agian at the cable car junction at genting higland they were force to go by taxi . First money was demanded for the cable care tickets. Finally after lot of debate the driver gets the tickets but says that some has to stay back in taxi beacause he can not take responsiblity of luugage.How can a man leave his wife in taxi and go by cable care or vice versa . Then the fight for theme park tickets . They were told to pay first and get the refund later and finally my brother had to pay for indoor theme part and the outdoor theme park tickets were provided with much debate and fight. Even at this point of time Mr Alok was bold enough to lie yet again and inform that no money being charged . cable car ticktes. . These BMT guys gave a diffrent itenery on booking, diffrent itenary before the travell and diffrent itenary to the locatllour operator. Where by every step my brother had to fight for every facility and every rght that he was to be offered voluntarily.
The BMT people had promised every possible support for the extra optional local tours that could be availed but that was of no conequence . Its surpuising co-incidence that these gues always take the call and agree to respond in 30 minutes but they dont. There 24/7 service line is of no use . Damn it if one has to call back to Delhi every time for every small issues. The optional tour in pinang for langkaawi was horror again with the local tour operator charging more money and providing less then basic service . I mean why do these gues run an international travell company when they don have the resources.
The experince in singapore was no better with no support from the local tour operator and money being demanded for every small things . The standard style was that you pay now and money will be refunded later . My brother had to go to MMT office in singapore and fight for getting the promised local trips.By this time this MR ALok(a big shot of BMT) was now getting busy and avoiding calls .
Today my brother had come back and narrated the story I was pained and sad if is was due to tour price being on lower side they can ask more money upfront rather then spoiling life time memories of the travellers. They should price their tours appropriately. I did not bargain a single penny with them and they just knew what they were unleasing on my brother.I am asking all my money back from these buggers and theifs . I know no amount of money can bring back the lost ocassion .
Even today they want time to find out things from the local tour guys its a shame that every time some one else pics up the fones and you have to tell the entire story.What a shame and pity but then if no one has yet made them pay for their unfair, misleading, and bad practices we will take this task . I know its difficult but then I know if one person stand many other will follow and set these buggers right.
Please do not trust them with well being of your loved ones and do not take their tours . Its like you will in landing no mans land . You can contemplate the horror of being stuck at a local airport for some reason then just understand what one can do if he is stuck in forighn country .
Even today they are such thick skinned that they don wish to admit the mistakes and missmangement. I know its a long fight but then I know if one person takes them to court they will redeem their ways .