MAKEMYTRIP (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED is working closely with to enhance customer satisfaction.
I finally got the lufthansa refund but it was really a struggle. I actually contacted a lawyer(I have some in my family and friends circle in India as well as in the US) and gave them(makemytrip) a clear deadline by myself. I spoke to Mr. Rupesh Srivastava and I also wrote to Ms. Geeta Eral( and they both seemed to have taken the action finally. By the way, I also tried to send an email to Mr. Deep Kalra, although I never heard back from him. I was about to contact some newspapers but they gave me the refund by then. They also sent me a$125 check as a compensation. My suggestion would be: Dont waste your time talking to just anyone over there. Most of them had no clue. Try to correspond at the managerial level and thats set. Be ready to contact a lawyer like I did, if needed. I am located in Detroit area and I could only talk to them(someone like an authority) after 2 AM my time. So I spent lots of sleepless nights on this. But at least I am relieved that they finally gave it to me.