This review about the rewards program and the sloppy back office operations . Alike all programs it encourages you maximize bookings and earn free vouchers and room nights .
However my experience with using the free room night was nightmarish . I booked a premium resort in Nasik in middle of august 2015 using my points . Obviously a pricy resort came cheap to me as there was a discount of Rs 3500 on the price .
On 12th September a MMT executive called up informing they are very much ashamed of the resort who is now cancelling the booking due to over booking and it was not MMT fault at all! They assured prompt reversal of the monies paid an the points redeemed so that I can reuse them . While the money got reversed the free room night promo code did not
This is when I realised that the whole rewards program is a fraud and prank on unsuspecting customers .! Make them maximise bookings . find and excuse to cancel the booking so that MMT does not bear the tab of a high discount . and laugh away to the bank . Sirji hamara dil to roaming hai ji but aaap ka to sleeping hai ji?