I cant believe that I got conned into believing this site for booking tickets!! Please note that at the end of this review I have added a list of email addresses that you could use to address your complaints because I know you will need it with MakeMyTrip.com
Iam normally a very cautious person ( make that extra cautious!!). I had to book tickets from bombay to bangalore for my parents and sisters family. I got taken by all their advertising glitz and checked the site out. They had a toll free number listed which I called. I was greeted by Prasoon Kandpal. After getting the details of the tickets he suggested I book for a spice jet ticket since they were giving the best fares for the date of travel. I agreed. as part of the procedure I gave my credit card no. and cvv no. after confirming the ticket fare he proceeded to debit my card.
Now comes the BIG shock. he says mam I forgot to charge the transaction fee- 120 rs. per ticket. I ask him what is this- he says it is charged by the spicejet airlines and it is nothing extra charged by makemytrip.com. I am suspicious and immediately logonto the net ( I was sitting with my laptop open). I check fares given and there is no mention of any transaction charges. Infact 2 other sites travelguru and travel.indiatimes.com are offering lower fares!!! that was shock no. 2. Now Prasoon tells me " mam I have already debited cannot reverse. but makemytrip guarantees that if u get a cheaper fare we will return double the difference. I reconfirm a 100 times with him and he repeats the same. I fall for the line - BIGGEST MISTAKE.
After the transaciton is done ( since CVV is already given I have no choice but to accept whatever charges he debits!), I immediately mail him the screen shots from the other sites. then started the LONG wait, umpteen emails and phone calls- all from my side. NOBODY responds. No answers given. NOBODY is bothered since I have already paid for the tickets!! FINALLY I get Prasoon on the line and ask him- he says he forgot to mention that they charge transaction charges over phone bookings. THATS It- FORGOT TO MENTION!!
so thats the story for you- MORAL- NEVER TRUST FALSE PROMISES ON TV/ WEBSITE AND BEWARE TO APPROACH SUCH CON-MEN POSING AS TICKET AGENTS-- LOWEST FARES MY FOOT!! This has left such a bad impression!! MAKEMYTRIP ofcourse isnt bothered!!
So the least I can do is warn fellow travellers of the pitfalls. Also want to take this up with Consumer Action Group (CAG) for false and misleading advertisments, wilfull fraud and deficient ( non-existent!!) customer service and causing heartburn and feeling so cheated and frustrated!!!
I had to give a one star but would have preferred giving NEGATIVE rating!!
Here is a list of email addresses that you can forward your complaints to :
geeta.eral@makemytrip.com - Manager, Customer service
If the above person does not reply , please email the top management below:
deep.kalra@makemytrip.com - CEO
Keyur.Joshi@makemytrip.co - Chief Operating Officer
sachin.bhatia@makemytrip.com - Chief Marketing Officer
sanjeev.bhasin@makemytrip.com - Head, Operations
We got immediate response from makemytrip.com after we emailed the top management. so all of u who faced problems should mail your complaints to Geeta- that way they will know that customers cannot be taken for granted.
I think all of us should get together to teach these companies a few valuable lessons on customer service!! they will also think twice before making any claims which they have no intention to match!
also must say that mouthshut.com is a good forum for us to post our real-life experiences and for people to make informed decisions about products/ services etc.
Keep up the good work!!