I want to share a recent correspondence with MMT which highlights what all is wrong with MMT. Very poor customer experience. See the conversation below:
1.On 23/aug/2014 I booked holiday throw make my trip. and I get all counfermations
of my trip. and I made payment. after that on 30/08/2014 I get massage from bcf(vendor of make my trip) that my booking of return(MANALI TO DELHI) was canceled due to some reason. after that I contact with MMT. they said to me that yes ur ticket was canceled and we cant do any thing u can arrange your self. I told them that I booked my holiday with u and I want to go for holiday. but MMTS response was very bad and they dont care after taking money from u.
2.On 31/08/2014 I emailed to make my trip(mmt) about my holiday and request them that if my return ticket was cancelled so make another reservation for me thus I can go for holiday.
after that mmt called me and they gave me alternate that sir u can book ticket by ur self and we will make u refund of ur cancelled tickets. but not solving my problem, even they are not ready to listen what im trying to say them.
- now today on4/09/2014 I receive call from make my trip and they tell me that sir ur volvo bus ticket(delhi to manali) was cancelled and please make arrangement for ur ticket yourself.
4. They(mmt) first booked my holiday after that all of my booked ticket is cancelled by very foolish reasons. so this is my experience with make my trip.