I have just spoken to Mr dharmendra singh . My booking id is NN230349158644. I had made a booking on the 26th of august 2014 from mumbai to thailand business class. There was a booking failuire from your end.I have been charged for your fault.
And you charged my credit card with the full amount of the ticket. On the 26th of august you told me the refund will take 10 working days. You sent me a confirmation for refund on the 30th of august. I Have still not recieved any refund. Firstly let me make it clear that I will not pay any interest for your delay I will go to consumer court and all the social media sites because this is unprofessional.
I have called hsbc hongkong bank 10 times and everytime they tell me there is no refund. And Everytime you guys tell me check with the bank. This is ridiculous. They have asked me to send a credit card statement now. I have sent them the same.
But I will take this matter to court if you guys are not efficient and quick. Please send me the cash to my mumbai address right away as I cant wait any longer and il make the payment myself its already been over 20 days and I will have to pay interest for no fault of mine. This is ridiculous. My number is 9833684022. Get back to me right away or I will take this further. I have been more than patient with this now. Please revert now.
I have made all my bookings through makemytrip but from now on I and my family will never. This is all a lie. I am going to take this online on social media in every way and go to court . resolve this right away. I am not going to pay interest for this. it has already been 24 days.And to top all of it. EVERYTIME I MAKE A CALL TO MAKE MYTRIP THEY SPEAK TO ME AND THEN DISCONNECT THE CALL EVERYTIME I TELL THEM TO TRANSFER ME TO A SENIOR. THIS IS RIDICULOUS AND A SUPERB WAY OF CHEATING YOUR CLIENTS.
Sonia shrivastava