I had very bad experience with this website.this I came to know when I updated my pass book that there is excess amount debited from my account which was not refunded back.otherwise I was assured that the same amount was already refunded back
here is mail I sent them last month n I called them thrice but they are not bothered now because now they have to refund.
this I mailed them on 12th June 2015 but they dint turn back till now with any solution.
Customer By(RAJESH RAJNISH)(12/06/2015 05.59 PM)
hi, this is Rajesh Kumar Rajnish, booked a holiday package in may for Kerala from 17th may to 23rd may. Booking ID IN1502B8S015676. all payment for the trip was made through online transaction.
my problem is that when I was paying for last installment of Rs.4631, two times transaction got failed and 3rd time it was successful(on 6th May and 7th May). for the same amount my account was debited for the three times. but till now my account did not get credited by the excess(two times of Rs.4631). this I came to know yesterday when I got my passbook updated. on calling customer care I have been told that there is excess payment. may I know where the excess amount debited from my account gone which was debited in the name of Make Mytrip.
kindly reply.
if u want I can show u my SBI bank statement from which payment was made.
so think many times before booking. really very bad service.