I have read all the reviews and have been a victim of it just 2 days back.I called these guys to book a ticket for my fiancee.
I was given a deal of $1200 and was been told that when you will make a final booking you`ll get some discount.The guy called me and emailed me for booking for the next 2 days. Finally I made up my mind and called them again and they gave me deal of $1190. I was okay with it and gave my final YES for it.
I sent them my credit card info and along with other formality which I had to send to the their New York office.I was happy that I got a good deal. but hey!!!!!!......... in 2 hrs I got a call that the itinerary I booked is not available ??????!!!.. I got shocked.
And finally after talking for 2 hrs I was told that if you still want the same itinerary, you would have to pay $1452. I got stunned.. but I didnt loose my hope.. I tried my best(removed the uncensored words..). I wanted to paste all the converstation and mails I had to write.
I spoiled my whole day in the arguments. The whole incompetent team and leadership.. totally crap.
But finally, I got the same itinerary at the same price and for the same dates!! One shouldn`t loose hopes coz its our hard earning money.
My question is how can the itinerary changed in 2 hrs from 1190 to 1452 even though I gave the money and all other formalities?? and
How did it came back to the same price after I screw*d them with my words?
Please do not loose your hopes if you went through anything with them. Just write to everyone in the list given on their sites and you will win.
They dont know that client is GOD! and you cannot make them unhappy.
I wish you all the best for your future dealings with them.