MakeMyTrip.Com is one of the more popular internet avenues forbookingairline tickets. I used it in July for my travel between SanFranciscoand Bangalore. I was somehow not convinced that the best dealswereseen online so I decided to chat with them live and it was alittletedious to keep up to their slow pace on gathering requirementswhich Iwouldnt blame them for anyways.
Then I decided to givethem a call on their toll free number and theiragent came up with somevery attractive deals. I ended up buying theticket from them as theycould mix and match the various combinationsand eventually give me aticket that was not too expensive and the onewhich had reasonabletransit times.
The ticket was shipped to me on time and all theintermediateinformation they provided was pretty much accurate. I wouldthink thatthey can still improve their site content to a great extentand alsomake it a little more interactive and user friendly.
Howevertheir online chat as well as their phone services are quitegood anddoes help in making some quick decisions with regard totickets.Definitely they are able to provide better prices as comparedto a lotof travel agents we know of.
Cheers !!!