I planned to go Kerala for new year, as I was going to the kerala first time , I was not knowing which isthe good hotel and how to book the hotel.So I trusted the Make MYtrip and booked the hotels in the kovelm in 2 monthsadvance by paying the 30k for 5days
While booking I had givenSwagata, Sagara and hotel blue sumdra 3 hotel names, make my tripsaid they will do the booking, after 30 minutes I got call saying all3 hotel are booked , and they suggested the hotel Viewheights for the same rate and its very good hotel they gaveassurance I believed them asked for booking the same hotel.
I went with my wife and my 2 years son to the Kerala for Enjoying thenew year As soon I reached hotel the real experience stared .Inhotel no one was there to take the language, and the believed make mytrip cheated me , the hotel location was worst , there was no powerall the mosquito was biting my son , after horrible night , I went tobath there was no water , after completing to the make my trip I didnot get good response.
The hotel was like govt hostel , Ipaid 3.5k per day for such hotel , I got full upset my son wascrying because of the mosquitofinally I decided tocancel my booking in the hotel then make my trip said they willrefund the money , I left the hotel after paying 30k , I got 5k as anrefund.I went to one person name PRASHANT he came asgood and arranged the hotel booking for 4 day with 3k per day thehotel Sagara was awesome with see view .
Later I came toknow make my trip have only one or two room quota for every hotel sodear friendsdont believe make my trip friends . directlycontact hotelSo please dont book throughmake my trip.