Ever wished that producer could come up with their own ideas rather than doing remakes or copyingPriyadarshan came up with the brilliant hera pherithen he made phir hera pheriboth become hitsbut then he made malaamal weekly.
What is the story????
The whole village is run by karamkalia vicious money-lender also known as tharkuranit seems that the town is plague by problemsleelaram(paresh rawel) sells lottery tickethe lives with his wife and goat kidafter selling 105 ticketshe suddenly reliase that one of the tickets he sold have won the first prizehow he knows thathe is the only man in the village that is litteratesurprising that ritesh deskhmukh who is younger than him is ittlerateanyways leelaram hits upon an idea to throw a party and he invites all those that have bought the lottery tickets from himhe finally realise that all those who came with the lottery ticketsnone had the lucky ticketshe learns that the lucky tickets is with anthony(the drunkurd)when leelaramreaches anthony househe finds him deadand whatare yaarwatch it yourselfThe Wonderful Flaws in the film.
The film is good except at times it goes out of hand like when the lottery inspector comes in the car and om puri is fixing the bicyclehow does he not manage to see om puri????The village have autosand even ritesh deshmukh wears good clothesasrani rides the elephant considering that elephants are more expensive than carsand priya darshan expects us to digest all theseNo Perfect FilmThis film has some flaws but overall is averageno body makes a perfect filmEvery film has a little bit of these stuff:NonesenseOriginalityPersonal gainEnrich in valuesRemorseFullfilment after watching the filmEnjoymentComedyTragdyFunInterestingLenghtyMarvellousSoooooobye