Fricking Vultures worse than the maggots on the rotting human flesh.I have lost my cousin who just turned 36 , recently because of money mending vultures. My cousin was admitted here , he was all fine except for a stomach issue when he got admitted.There was no diagnosis for what the issue was. He went there for a checkup by One DR.Murali, who just asked him to get admitted and went Out of town. God knows why when the doctor is out of town he asked the patient to get admitted, knowing very well that he cant treat him. The patient was admitted for 2 days and was asked to do an endoscopy. They did scans and was said everything looks fine and would need to do an endoscopy.the night before the procedure he had sweating and complained of back pain.The nurses and the attending brushed it off as Ac probably not enough.All I could do I laugh at their negligence.
They took him to the endo next day and He died right there as soon as they started it.The attending asked for an emergency kit stating code blue, and apparently they didnt have one in the room the procedure was done.They had to send a nurse to get it from another floor.Why was there no emergency kit in a procedure room, That has a mortality rate. Shouldnt they have everything to resuscitate a patient if something goes wrong?
They informed the relatives that he passed away a little later , I guess no one was allowed to see his body.. They gave the relatives the body of a 36 year man all wrapped and ready in the next half hour.
I still dont understand why an autopsy was not done. they gave the body in such a hurry that you would never except in any hospitals and usually in this same hospital as well.they will try to make much money as they can before they give the body if he would have dies of natural causes .
The reason they gave for death was he had a massive heart attack. How the hell are you supposed to believe anything that comes from these vultures mouth. Why wasnt an autopsy done on a guy that died this young. Apparently they wanted to cover some grave mistake they made.
This is actually the second case in my family. We admitted my grandpa who had cold and difficulty breathing about 8 years back . Seriously I swear , although I am not a doctor his issues could have been treated with a breathing treatment given some steroid or something. My uncle and my other cousin who is a doctor in US was consulting as well.
The first thing the hospital they wanted to do was put him in a ventilator. We all refused and told them not to do that(again two people in my family right there were doctors ). The next day when we went to the hospital he was on ventilator even though we told them not to do that . Apparently it gets them more money than a simple breathing treatment , 4 days later he died due to lung infection for the stupid ventilator. IN the mean time they had even charged for toothbrush and toothpaste for the patient .Are you seriously kidding me , how does a patient in Ventilator sit up and brush his teeth. How bad was the cleanliness there if he was infected by an apparatus .
My cousin has 3 small children all less than 2 years old. One of the kids is a new born premie just a month old. The money they rip from these people , will be of good use when they face the same fate one day .
I still dont understand how these guys are still allowed to practice and how they still run the hospital. I Know Indian government runs on corruption, Are they this corrupted to let this hospital run day after day killing hundreds and thousands of people.
Think people , think, if you really want someone to live and even if its an emergency and you liveright across the street , do not take your loved ones to this hospital I swear you will not see them again.
PLease have some regard for human life, think of the patients as your bothers or sisters or kids.Please dont rip people of their loved ones cause you want to make more money and not passionate about your profession.