Dear readers,
Recently, a lot of misfortunes have struck mankind. Some newspapaers have exploited this situation very well out of which Malayala Manorama plays the most notorious role. I feel as if the daily is being run by sadists.
It is very unfortunate that the images of the Kumbhakonam episode took place last month was highlighted in the front page of the Malayala Manotama .The image of the charred bodies of the pupils was very horrible to see with titles which was also against the ethics of media. Photos of the burnt bodies were given in full colour of blood and flush that would have been avoided and could be placed in the inner pages.
Also inside, some black and white photos of the above tragedy showing the bodies censored , as the publishers said that those were very horrible to see. Compared with the horrible images in the front page , that was an absolute ridiculus claim by the publisher. The sentiments of the mothers of the pupils was also exploited and commercialised well by thie publisher.
It is very pathetic for a daily of 100 years of tradition to put hostage photos especially one in orange colour dress at gun point in the front page.
The captions related to the Iraqui hostages saying that they will be beheaded which would have been avoided by stating that they will be killed eventhough both of the quoted words doesnt make any difference.The word behead will surely
upset the relatives of the hostage and also the honorable readers(not the publisher......?).
So please take necessary steps that in future thease mistakes (if the publisher think so) dont repeat.