I am a regular flier on Malaysian Airlines and have noticed that it is getting worse every time. I flew from LAX - KL - Bangalore.
In Kuala Lumpur they gave me a hotel in transit called Empress Hotel. This hotel is in the middle of nowhere. Next to me was a white lady from Canada who told me that she was given a hotel room at The Peninsula hotel which is a excellent hotel. I also noticed that all transit passengers at the Empress Hotel seemed to be Indians or Indian origins. Did not see anybody else.
Someone who has flown by Malaysian Airlines many times before and who has good contacts with them told me that for Indians they always give a cheap hotel. But for others they are given good hotels. Atleast in my case this seemed to be true.
My flight from Banglore to Kuala Lumpur on my return journey was suddenly cancelled 1 hour before departure time. No compensation and no answers. After arguing with the sole Malaysian Airline rep at Bangalore Airport, International Passport holders ( including myself) were put in an Indian Airlines flight to Singapore and then MAS to KL. Others had no choice !!!
Further I noticed that on my flight from KL to LAX (MH94 10 December)I requested imported beer and they kept saying that they only have Taiwanese beer. But I saw that the FA took a Guiness beer to a white person. I refused the taiwanese beer.
In all it was a disappointing experience to me. The only good thing about Malaysia Airlines is that it is cheap compared to other carriers.