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Dave @dab60
Oct 04, 2001 09:49 AM, 1929 Views
Men - are you well? is a web site dedicated to the health of men (as you might suspect by the name). You don’t need to register to use the site, but some parts of the site are open to registered members only. Registration is easy and requires just the normal details.

The home page is pleasant enough nothing overly exciting, but effective for it’s purpose. It is quick to load and easy to navigate. Peter Baker is the journalist and writer in men’s health edits the site. While the doctor in charge is a doctor Ian banks. Men’s health is owned and operated by Radcliffe online Ltd, 18 Marchan Road, Abingdon, Oxon. Upon the screen loading up you will be faced with a simple screen with leads to the following:

1} What’s up doc? Here they offer advice on a series of problems including: Penal problems, diabetes, and back trouble.

2} News features and tips: here they offer all the latest tips and advice. (For example-did you know eating breakfast can cut your chances of getting piles?)

3} Examination room: Here they offer a questionnaire to assess your fitness and health, with instant results.

4} Healthy living centre: Advice about alcohol consumption, coping with illness, diet, and emotional health.

5} The clinic: here you can post questions and answer other peoples on the forum. Some personal questions are posted, and answered including plenty of questions about the three-lettered S word.

6} Case notes: Here they offer facts and figures on all aspects of men’s health. For instance did you know that 28% of men still smoke? And a lad born in 1997 can still only expect to live to the age of 75! And did you also know that unskilled workers and partly skilled workers pass on earlier (41% or 60, 000 men) usually by around 5 years!

7} The waiting room: Very similar to the clinic, another forum.

8} Second opinion: This is basically links to books on men’s health. Books on various ailments by various authors are available.

9} Exercise suite: Offers advice on as-you’d-expect- exercise.

10} Health test: What do you really want to know?

Another feature of the site can be found in the lower left hand corner – a panic button. Not the type though to press if you are at work and the boss is approaching. Press this panic button and your taken to a screen, which tells you when it is vital to get medical opinions. There is much publicity about women’s health, and quite rightly so, but men’s health seems to be placed on the back burner in some cases. This site offers down to earth advice, and is a good place to start. Men are the weaker s e x when it comes to visiting the GP and talking about their feelings/health. So a site like this is vitally important. Of course there is a long way to go in men’s/women’s/children’s health all round, but with the appearance of sites like this it can only help.

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