When I heard that Zack Snyder was directing a Superman movie with Nolan providing creative inputs, I immediately put the release date on my calendar. Given the high expectations that these two creative forces have set up in Hollywood, I came a bit disappointed from the movie. On its own the movie is good, however from the stellar cast and crew more was expected.
For example in Batman Begins a lot of time is spent in how Bruce Wayne turns to Batman. Here its more of flash backs of what Clark did when he was younger. More than what he did, it is about how he felt alienated from society. The moment when he sees Jor Els hologram he suddenly discovers he can fly - with all his powers he didnt figure out earlier?
The highlight of the movie for me was General Zod rather than Superman. He is the most memorable character in the movie, and his sidekick. And the climax of the movie is a long action sequence - its fun and true to the comics. Entire city blocks being leveled by two guys with a grudge match- epic.
So all in all a good movie that would have been great had it not been for expectations built up from Snyder and Nolan.