As noted I do like the show and watch it often. Its very entertaining. But this guy is lucky to be alive even with his camera crew and support at hand. I remember something to the effect that Bear had some serious military training in survival skills in the past. Im amazed that he made it through even that!
The dude, really fun to watch now - dont get me wrong - but hes a spastic! How the heck hes lived so long - forget the challenges of the show - is beyond me. Id hesitate to follow him across a city street.
Im watching the Artic episode as I write and, frankly, Im amazed he made it past the first 17 minutes, given that hed dropped his hard won meat into a freezing water hole and then promptly proceeded to follow it in. Good luck.
Bears impatience, which to his credit hes aware of, is absurd. You cant live in the wilderness with that kind of impatience! He bulldozes into situations like a rank amateur blissfully assuming that sheer determination, momentum and luck will get him out the other side. So far so good, but remember he has some serious support out there.
A Boy Scout would be better at this. One of the key elements in wilderness survival is the analysis of a dangerous situation and the application of a thoughtful plan.
Maybe its the 40 minute limitation of show time that drives him(the rest being given over to advertisements) . I dont know. But if the shows intention is to impress someone that this is the way to do it - get serious!
But, as Ive said, I do watch it and find it . entertaining. But I think part of it is that Im so amazed that actions so moronic, even maniacal, dont result in his demise right there on TV. And, of course, I want to see more!
Maybe someone will someday put together a show that shows how it really should be done. Meantime, the Bear will do.