Man vs Wild program is the no. 1 program of discovery channel in my opinion.I have been watching this program since 2009.I have a long journey with BEAR GRYLL and his outstanding stunts and survival experience.the best thing of this program is Bears unbelievable stunts on jungle.There is no extra camera effects a]what all things is real done by both camera man and bear.the cast and his performance is just wow.I have learnt many thing to do when you are in jungle alone.I also have knowledge of jungle safari, and desert safari.
Best thing of this program is location. BEar travel different part of the world sometimes he survive in desert and sometimes in African jungle.what we people expect from discovery channel is Entertainment, WIldlife, ACtion, ANd best location.Thats why MAN VS Wild is best program of mine.THis program also have one good thing that bear gives information about each and every thing which camera saw.SCreening and sound quality is very good and no other programs related to survival and wildlife can defeat this program.
This program always keep me glued to the screen .My friend always also watch this programs.THree months ago we were gone to the jungle.We use all techniques and information what we learn from Bear Grylls.I wanna say BEar Grylls is real hero and his program is just awesome. )-_-(