Misery and house of cheaters. robbers
They are the worst possible cheaters! Never Never go there. u will not get your gold back in shape and same weight. they rub the ornament atleast, one gram of gold is taken this way in the name of checking for purity. this is done in 3-4 places of the ornament, they damage the bangles and chains in such a way that it can not be reused, though the gold is 916 or with Bis mark.
Horrible, part of it is. they weight and write the weight of gold only after rubbing and taking away how much ever they want.
the employees are all indecent they speak like roadside loafers. they language is horrible.
There is nobody responsible in the whole branch. they have mentioned few contact number at their branch. which never works.
I personally feel that they resell the gold which is collected by rubbing all the customers ornaments.