I have taken my domain from Manashosting from last 5 years and suddenly last week they told that I have resold my domain and now I have to pay Rs 5000 as penalty. Also they have blocked control panel and everything. I was surprised to hear this and asked how they come to conclusion that I have resold my domain. They told because my contact information stored at Manashosting is not matching with what mentioned in website. I told my Name was on the website with my business # and in to you I have mentioned my personal #.
But they are not listening anything and one statement are getting repeated by them every-time that I have to Rs 5000 else all my data will get lost. I told why should I pay the money when I am using it myself and my name is already on the website but these people are not listening to my things at all.
I decided not to pay to them a single penny and decided to change the hosting server to different company.