" Luckily I have registered my domain with another service provider,
I had paid Manas hosting Rs.10000.00+ taxes for 10 years+ 10 years unlimited domain hosting with free web pages on 14/02/2013, They upgraded their servers in 2014, I never opted for paid service and with the help of my domain service provider I pointed the name servers to manas hosting, They started mailing for additional payment which I refused as I have never opted for any paid technical service. they as I see today show Invoice raised on 22/05/2014 of Rs4719.12. I have not even created any web site so I as a customer without availing any service am being asked to make payment.
They have suspended my cPanel access stating outstanding of Rs.4719.12.
Manashosting is asking and harassing a customer for extracting more money.
Hope no one else fall in trap by the claim of Manashosting of being the cheapest with long write ups on its website "
I am attaching
1) Manas hosting payment acknowledgment receipt
2) Screen shot of Manas hosting reply to my query w.r.t unable to log in
I am only able to attache 2 files
I have all the screen shot of ticket raised
Hope this shall help the common people of our great Bharat
Jai Maharashtra Jai Bharat