I am an old customer of maruti and have great respect for their products.This is my 2nd purchase from mandovi. Previous was from lavelle rd showroom.Id like to share my experience here wit u guys.so you guys may draw ur own opinion.I booked a Ritz Ldi on 5/12/2010....salesman was Dileep P. He gave me a pretty good offer: 30k cash off, nippon security, fogs, wheel caps, dickey mats with 1 k extra for all these. I was impressed. I had similar offer at Pratham motors also, but went with Mandovi as my previous car was also taken from them. But this time I was in for a rude shock.
I had driven Ritz diesel as well as the petrol b4....so I asked the salesman to give my wife a Test drive. I called him around 6 times....but to no avail. He always made some excuse. Then on 24/12/2010 I made the payment. Again I asked him for a test drive, again same thing, sometimes car is not available or he fixed a time then never turned up. My wife was irritated and decided to drive the car once we get it.
I decided to take delivery on 5/1/11. Since im not based in bangalore told the salesman that I will come on 3/1/11 do a PDI myself then car can go for registration on 4/1/11 and on 5/1/11 I will take the delivery with all the accessories tat were agreed on.So on 3/1/11 I called the salesguy he said the car had already gone for registration. I said Im not taking the car unless I do a PDI myself, asked him to get the car back. So he was forced to get it back.
I visited the wheelers rd showroom at 5pm. Did a PDI myself, luckily I did it. I noticed a few scratches on the side panel and asked for it to be painted. The salesguy agreed. It was decided that I will come for delivery on 5/1/11 at 4 pm.
I visited the showroom at 4 pm.....no sight of Dileep. He turns up at 5 pm, takes 1k frm me and says that he just got the car from the painting. I told him to finish everythg as Id to leave bangalore the very morning. He said he will do everythg...n I sod give him more than 9 points in the feedback as he was trying hard to get my wok done...i agreed..... So I waitd.
I checked the chasis no....it was same car I did the Pdi on and the panel was painted...so I was relieved. The car came back at 7pm, saw it and finished al the paper work. He then informed me that dicky mats were out of stock, steering grip wasnt available as the accessory guy had left. When I asked for the receipt of 1k...he says the receipt will be sent by post later. Also Dileep said that I can collect extended warranty later....i asked why not now....he said he had prepared that...as there was some confusion.
When I saw the car, I was irritated the number plates were not procured as yet, mind u the car was regd 1 day back. He said the RTO dint give the number plates. when I pointed about the wheel caps not being there he feigned ignorance and said that was not part of the deal....wen I showed him the papers he agreed to put them the next day.
I was already pissed off, my 3 days were already wasted, and now a 4th day was , going to be wasted. But I reluctantly agreed as its diffi to drive a car with no Number plates...esp with RTO stopg cars alt at the check post at the borders.
So on 6/1/11 I called Dileep....he never took the call. So I left a sms....again no call. I called back....now he says that the number plates will take time and I will get only in the eveng. I called up a frnd of mine who is a cop....he said tat Numbers are given the very next morng.
I was a damn irritated. I did a proper inspection of the car I got:
The ^# had put Alto mats in my Ritz....i failed to check tat ...being dark. Also to my horror...mud flaps were not fitted. Mind u....I got the car delivery in the presence of the team leader Mr. Nicholas who was also there.....Then I realised I was being cheated.....these guy somehow gets the accessories promised sold off...tats wat happens I was told.....but I knew tat defi there must be others involved in tis modus operandi. So this is wat I did:
First I called Dileep asked him wat time I can get the number plates? Our man says he is still waitg for the reply from RTO to call. I was boiling inside....I asked him " Who the f he was tryg to bull shit??" Now Dileep who al this time was talking so smoothly suddenly started to stammer....I asked him " Y the f dint he send the guy to get the number yday?" no reply. I told him to ask his Team leader to call me back. Dileep calls back again thrice I tell him very bluntly to ask his team leader to call...he says he is busy....i said fine "If ur team leader is busy I will come there and blast him myself"
Within minutes Mr.Nicholas calls up....I gave Mr. Santa my Xmas present. Blasted the shits out of him. Until this time I had not mentioned a word about the alto mats or the absence of the mud flaps....as I knew Dileep wod say tat he must have made a mistake....I asked Mr. Nicholas if they regularly cheat customers? I told him I will speak only with the sales manager....He said the sales manager isnt there. I was fuming on the phone.
I waited for the call...wen I never got a call back....called him back...this time he gives me a no of the DGM....wen I called...Mr. Nagraj, DGM at wheelers Rd spoke....I never got a suitable reply so asked for the sales manager....Within minutes somebody called sachin, said he was the accessories manager called....Blasted him and said that If they dont get the sales manager I will lodge a complaint with maruti and complain to sales manager at their other showroom at lavelle road.
Within minutes, Mr. Manjeet Vorah the sales manager at wheelers Rd called. He was the only honest person Id spoken to all day. In fact he agreed to get my car fixed with everytg in an hours time....Imagine he was so apologetic and sincere tat even I felt sad for him workg at wheelers road wit tat bunch of rogues.
I told him tat I will be there at 1pm. I went there at 1pm...he codnt believe tat his salesguy cod stoop so low....he got everytg fitted as per the deal agreed on. Gave me the mats, mud flaps and also receipt wic this F*"# was tryg to pocket. I felt sorry for Mr. Manjeet...he was workg in the wrong place with the wrong set of people.
Now I want to know the following:
How can Maruti employ such cheats?
Decide for yourself.......for me im not goin there again.