Scene 1:Mangal Pandey tries to save his officer from the Afghans, and is hit by a bullet during the same.
Scene 2:William Gordon accepts Mangal Pandeys challenge of a kushti and actually beats him...and says he feels sorry that he could not save the poor Indian servant , when he was thrashed by Hewson.
Scene 3:Mangal Pandey shows blind faith in his friend-William Gordon and bites the cartridge, greased by cow and pigs flesh.
Scene 4:William Gordon saves the sati and protects her .
Scene 5:Mangal Pandey and other fellow sepoys kill some villagers , whom they know to be innocent, just to follow thier officers orders.
Scene 6:Mangal Pandey single-handedly fights 4-5 officers who try to beat him in the jail premises.
Scene 7:Mangal Pandey talks about the nations independence and not only their region, and asks for red-fort to be the target.
Scene 8:The rangoon-regiment reaches India before the anticipated date and Mangal Pandey stands all-alone to face them..surrounded by the thousands of sepoys who have only him as the target.
Well....I personally had a lot of expectations from this movie..but surprisingly it has exceeded my realm of expectations and I am truly in awe !!!
The beautiful friendship between William Gordan and Mangal-Pandey..their faith in each other, the chain reaction which transform a faithful sepoy into a rebel is superbly shown in the goes to the director and ofcourse Aamir khan...I simply cannot think of any other actor who could have given justice to this character..till this extent.His looks and fearless eyes are actually like a volcano on the verge of eruption...the scenes I really found very powerful are right in the start of this review...but the way the scene#8 is shot is actually requires so much of courage to standup against such a huge army...when u know u are sure to die...I have no words to describe such a valor!!!
In this review I am not gonna say anything about the other cast, the music or any other aspect of cinema...just that If you are a true Indian, if you atleast appreciate that people have faught for centuries to give you a free-Indian life today, YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS MOVIE.
I assume that theres a lot of controversy going about this.. that the movie has gone historically wrong at places...but whatever it is ...finding some stupid flaws in a movie presenting a incident , which has a very small mention in history, in a such magnanimous way ...simply shows the cheap attitude of some people..jinhe chand dikhao to ugli ki galti nikaalte hian!!...
Please Go and watch this movie..if you havent..Every Indian Needs To Know That Indian Independence Is Not About Only Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Bose etc...It has taken Bravos like Mangal Pandey ..who lit the spark and yet went un-noticed in the pages of Indian History.