Mangalore or mangaloreans are very well known bombay and for thousands of mangaloreans mumbai is second home and infact for most mangaloreans having business and trade and infact living in mumbai is not at all a second thought because they are fed up with their place of birth.
Mangalore is strategically, extremely and the best future city for all purpose.
Amazing news feel for myself that such a tremendous future having place is for decades has been neglected criminally.
I use the word criminally because the conspirators are not sleeping.
Every inch by inch development of mangalore increase the growth of kerala hundred fold, this news is known only to those who dont want it to happen but the recent tragic plane accidant has firmy made me to belive that those who dont want the progress of mangalore will never rest their life or eyes till indians and kearlites to mangaloreans fed up with the slow progress of their own place and shift or migrate to other states of india.
Keralites do not know the importance of mangalore.
What calcutta is for eastern india manglaore is for west coast india.
Once the eye of indians fall on mangaloare as destiantion to live, work and open business the growth of mangalore will overtake both mumbai and calcutta and also bangalore all the three places will be midget once mangalore grows.
Reasons why mangalore is the best place to grow and become the best in the world.
Yes i am going to put this line the best city in the world it is because mangalore is situated nearly half the distance between kerala at extreme and goa towards the north side, and i have not taken coastal side if mumbai.
Bombay has only disadvantage and mangalore has only advantage.
Plenty of space around mangloare is availble and down south kerala is eager to do any level of service or work or even contribute for the development of total infrastructure of mangaloare.
How much kerala will be benefitted.
The gain for kerala is gain for karnataka also and i just cant imagine how much change it will take place.
Will this review is enough to bring the attention of public or ms members.
Not at all, history of negligence of mangalore dates back nearly centuries and a comprahensive programme is needed to upgrade every aspect connected with mangalore.
Life line link for kerala is urgently needed.
Double lined rail link upto trivandarum and towards mumbai double line link also needed.
2 new and international airport should be constructed on high priority basis changing the place to a flat land and make the present airport only for smaller aircraft along further lengthening of the runway.
3 road link with bangalore and mysore be widened and the contract should be given to l and t.
4 tax free incentive should be given to all those software companies to industries who want to open .
5 europe link from mangalore is strategecally very urgent and important.
6 mumbai is at vulnerable distance from pakisthan and mangalore is far away and also we can strike them
faster from karwar base faster than from mumbai.
7 nature is very freindly and abundant water is availble, compared to mumbai, there is no chance for
shortage of potable water in mangalore.
8 highly cultured and educated are mangaloreans and for this factor once mangaloare is upgraded the
entire kearlite who live at dif places in india and abroad will vie to come back and settle near to karnataka
border since the progress of mangloare is directly beneficial to kerala.
9 why i am partial to kerala .
the neglect of mangalore has gravely affected the economy of kerala people and they dont know the
cause of it, a native should not resort to leave his state unless extrordinary compulsion for dif reason is
there otherwise the growth of a state is higher when the native born contribute.
10 how much money is needed to bring mangalore into internatioanl status.
every rupee invested on the growth and development of manglore will be in terms of hundred times.
i am very sure entire european nations will vie to establish their offices at mangalore instead of
11 business and a country interest lies in placing at right city or place.the environment of mangaloare is
a real paradise on earth. How it can be paradise on earth let me explain. Gods liiving place is kearala which is continuation of mangalore and they the westerners will be astonished and really feel amazed that so much negligence took place on mangalore.
12 best educational institutes in hundreds can be established and also as much is put still there is enough space around mangalore.
13 you wont need ten years to set right, what is needed is set right the mindset of our officials.
14 delhi bosses who live at delhi should become aware that south offers the best the best and most modern culture that will be envy for the whole world and since the long coast having very loveable and tourists attraction what more you need.
15 if i compare point by point with mumbai , mangalore wins and it is just win win positon.
16 those who oppose the development of mangalore do it because they are worried on their wealth.
17 mangalore is a hidden treasure and its black box is inside each of us, let us open it and it is not pandora box it is filled with oppurtunity for anyone who wants to explore for themselves or for their children sake or for making quick wealth or riches i must say destination mangalore has at last taken place. Let us each ponder at least is this not true or need more to be done since my cry is lonely. From mangalore to goa and mangalore to truivudram my god it is more than 1500 kms will become most sought coastal tour for entire indians because entire kerala is so rich and beautiful , greens all the time and next is the feel of moving along with the sea coast places a person who be a business man, tourists, a student or even a outsider or westerner will be amazed because of wonderful culture that prevails from trivandram to goa.
I am so excited that this kind of review need at least 1000 pages and hope someone will write a book.
Only when one expose the truth the opposers will have to runaway.
Just imagine any indian once he visit coastal south india starting from kerala bottom and reach upto goa he feels oh my god how beautiful is west coast.
West coast express can we call this.