Somehow my second review overwrote the initial one, hence writing back with both reviews.
Experience 1
Think twice before going to this hospital. They are just a money sucker
Couple of months back, my son one year old had a boil in his back that got infected with puss. Our regular pediatrician Karthik
nagesh referred to Manipal without any antibiotics for next two days. After meeting a surgeon, we were told it has to be operated and removed.
I was surprised, instead of small dressing, the doctor is asking to undergo a minor surgery with one day admission. Since we did not want to take chance with the baby, we had no choice. Baby was made to fast from morning till evening 3Pm without milk or water, imagine our situation.
Now comes, the real story, there is no bed, only general ward and ultra luxury beds are available. Since it was matter of one day, I said general ward is fine, but within minutes, they say, even that is not available.
After running from poll to pillar like in government hospitals, I said, if no beds then I will take to other hospital. Finally they took the baby to operation theater and did the surgery and moved to semi-private room which we initially requested. The room is pathetic, very untidy and congested.
Since entire hospital is AC, there is no fresh air, anywhere u go, you can only feel a medicine filled foul air to breath.
The bill came to Rs 23, 000
After a month, my son got a boil again in the back in different place. This time, I was bit reluctant to take to Manipal, instead I took to other pediatrician by name Suresh kumar, he gave antibiotics and a dressing to the boil. Withing three days, the boil vanished by itself.
Now I wonder, what is Manipal upto, just an money minting place by complicating the issue.
Experience 2
An year back, my uncle who was 55 yrs old had a cancer in his bladder. After going through bunch of checkup and consultations, doctor Dinesh Vidya said, it has to be operated and removed, there is no other options.
After taking second opinions with another doctors, we decided to get it removed. We admited in Manipal hospital, the operation went fine. On the following day, he was able to walk and was recovering from post operation.
Food and medicines were provided by hospital, the strange thing, in place of fruit drink, they were giving packaged fruti drink.
On the third day, he suddenly got in to fever, vomit and loose motion. In the mid night around 12:30 Am, we received a call saying he is serious. When me and my father rushed to the hospital, the night shift doctor told that he got into lung infection and is under ventilator, he then asked us to meet another doc who is supposed to come in 10 min, but we traced him only at 3:30Am.
He said, my uncle got lung infection and he is not responding properly for the treatment, next they are trying to put the body upside down as alternate treatment.
Later after couple of hours, I peeped in to icu and saw that my uncle was lying normal way and doctors didnt do whatever they said.
Morning at 9Am, they say he is DEAD.
The thing that still seems to be mystery is, after the operation he was normal and recovering, later I dont know how he got lung infection and what medication caused him to end.