A few days back, one Mr. Ravikumara sent an E-Mail making very derogatory and defamatory statements against Manipal Hospital. We immediately investigated the matter and sent to him a detailed reply, laying down the facts. Mr. Ravikumara has since then met with hospital authorities and has apologised.
Attached below, highlighted in BROWN, is the E-Mail that said Ravikumara has now sent. Also the apology letter given by him is scanned and attached herewith. Please forward this to all conscientious citizens.
Dr. D P Saraswat
-Original Message-
From: Ravikumara_YM@i2.com [mailto:Ravikumara_YM@i2.com]
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 4:32 PM
To: GSC-India@i2.com; Bangalore-Office@i2.com; arsheshadri@yahoo.com; ac.ashok@cmcltd.com; bscsoumya@yahoo.com; manvekar@firstam.com; mohanasr@yahoo.com; msvp1@rediffmail.com; srmohan007@rediffmail.com; nalini_17@rediffmail.com; sanjeev_lrde@rediffmail.com; satisha@indiainfo.com; shantha.bai@wipro.com; srinivasan_chandrashekar@yahoo.com; sunilkumarym@gmail.com; DineshK@in.nds.com; ganesh.vasudeva@wipro.com; kirankaj@gmail.com; kmswaroop@yahoo.com; krissy952001@yahoo.co.in; shivakumar.aswath@gmail.com; my_emailid2000@yahoo.com; kbabu4u@gmail.com; raghavendra17.b@gmail.com; bharathimys@gmail.com; mohancra@gmail.com; shekarchandr@gmail.com; venkus@gmail.com; dayananda_rai@rediffmail.com; prithvilic@gmail.com; somfriendsin@yahoo.co.in; girish_579@yahoo.com; hegde.sadanand@gmail.com; chethmetallica@gmail.com; nagaraj_kos@yahoo.com; lavanya.ym@gmail.com; lakshmanng@yahoo.com; tulasileo@gmail.com; dayananda_pijaw@infosys.com; tarunsuvarna@gmail.com; sharada.srinivas@oracle.com; satish.k.sai@gmail.com; thukarama.reddy@lgcnsglobal.com
Cc: Customer Care [MH-Bangalore]; Dr Saraswat D P.
Subject: Re: Important: It costs 2 lacks to operate a deadbody in Manipal Hospital!
Importance: High
Dear All,
I has sent an e-mail dated 07-Jan-2008 regarding death of my
co-brother, Mr. Ambarish and had accused Manipal Hospital
of trying to operate on a dead person.
After obtaining the details of the events from Manipal Hospital,
now I realize that estimation was provided while my co-brother was
alive and Hospital did not even demand full money to be paid for
the services. While the admission process was in progress
my co-brother died. Due to the grief and tension I misunderstood
the whole thing and sent the e-mail damaging reputation
of Manipal Hospital, which in fact had provided all life saving
measures without demanding any upfront payment.
I sincerly regret this emotional outburst and distress caused to
the Hospital and I would request all of you to please
ignore the earlier mail and its contents.
Also please do inform the same to your friends to whom
you have forwarded my earlier mail.
Thanks & Regards
Ravikumara YM