Beware of Dr.Meera RamaKrishnan and Shanthi of pediatric department
Last week my 9 months daughter admitted to pediatric emergency.
During the time her BP was normal she was drinking milk.
She was shifted from CMH and diagnosed with less platelets count which is a Dengue symptom.
She needed blood transfusion immediately. But the emergency Doctor who admitted her in the Hospital
started the tests from the scratch. And she was taken to the ICU by the emergency Doctor
till that time she was drinking milk and crawling. God only knows what they have done in the night
my daughter has not woken up in the morning. And the Doctors came to me to me in the morning and said she is dead.
After my daughter is dead the Doctor Meera came to me and said if she survives also her brain will be affected so shall I
stop the treatment like. It is kind of fooling. Till that time I was not aware that she is dead. Then I forcefully entered
immediately the ICU the Doctors surrounding my daughter fled. Then only I realized she is dead 45 minutes back
Also she came to and said Virus stopped my daughters heart like. If they are telling such things to me how these guys
will cheat the illiterates.
Beware of these kind of Doctors. Also I found in the pediatric ICU one duty Doctor was sleeping.
These guys takes huge money for giving proper treatment right or for killing the beloved by complicating.
I really do not know.
Worst thing is in Bangalore no proper hospitals that is the reason we were forced to go these Doctors.
Moreover this Doctor Meera said to me like she is the senior Doctor she knew everything. She did not even said sorry to me.
Failure is failure it is not acceptable right. Why they guys are not ashamed about their failures instead they are boosting about themselves