Im going to describe something from my personal experience.
It was a year and half back that I had been to this hospital with
some dental problems(serious problems). I became a registered patient
and treatment went on for abt. 2-3 months. The doctor(monster, I should say)
kept drilling my teeth here and there. And finally one day the treatment was over.
By that time they had taken around 15 thousand rupees from me. It was
during the treatment process that I gradually came to realize that Im being taken for
a ride and the doctor is herself a fool and knows nothing. I asked the lady
doctor(dentist) about the college she studied at. Believe me it was a
3rd grade local dental college of bangalore, you can imagine the quality.
Even after knowing all this I had to continue the so-called treatment as it was not possible for me to go to another doctor with the half drilled teeth and after spending so much money. After the treatment was over I realized that
ive added to my dental problems by believing what I heard from some people.
While leaving the hospital I made a promise to myself that I shall never look at this
building again. After a couple of months one of my friends shared with me his experience with the manipal hospital doctors. It was pretty similar to my experince.
The doctors at manipal hospitals are basically 3rd grade bastards, suckers, robbers.
This shameless community fools people in the name of god.May god punish the top management ppl. and the individual doctors(they call themselves DOCTORS).