Recently I had a chance to stay at Manipal hospital Bangalore for my wifes delivery and my overall experience has been very good. The doctors, nurses, staffs were really very good in rendering their duties and overall attitude. Throughout the 4 days stay, my wife never had any chance to complaint about the staff. The doctors took good care of the c-section and post operational formalities. They have a wonderful staff for new born baby care and each one is attentive to the patients need.
This was "technically" our second baby as the first one expired within 3 days due to congenital heart disease. We had a lot of questions, anxiety, fear about the baby to be born. But Dr. Praveena Shenoi(OBG) paid a special attention to my wife considerting this as precious pregnancy. Her team was aware of our last babys sad demise. The paediatrician paid a special attention in ECHO test and abdominal USG of the baby to ensure that our life will be less of tension and more of joy!
The Dr visits were frequent and they ensure the good care of mother and baby.
Maternity staff was equally cooperative. On the day of delivery we did not get the private room we booked 5 days in advance(Thanks to the confusion created by one of the staff member!). That night we had to spend in maternity ward with no attendant cot . I spent the entire night on chair sitting besides my wife and our cute baby. Next day I had to follow up a lot with admission deptt to get the room. Barring this, overall experience was nothing less than excellent.
You have to follow the processes, systems, rules of Manipal. It is really luck to get the good staff and nurses and if you remain polite and humble they will behave equally good.
On the cost and price front, yes they are expensive! . Some expenses are unjustified. One of the wierd part is cost of staff, nurses, Dr consulation fees goes up with the type of room you are choosing. The same patient with same diesease will have different variable costs if he/she stays in semi special or special or executive rooms. Offcourse if you have a health insurance then you do not feel the pinch.
But in totality it was one of finest experience I have seen at Manipal Hospital Bangalore