I Had been to Manipal hospital yesterday ie h August 2011 to submit my insurance details for cashless and find out if doctor is available for an operation on saturday, I know this doctor as I had consulted him many times at a different hospital where he used to come earlier, I met him for the same n he harshly barked at me saying first get yourself registered for which I again went to ground and got it done and stupid again says pay consultation fees, , Is it sensible to ask someone to pay consultaion fees whos just come to ask if doctor is available on saturday to get it operated? look wat kind of stupid doctors r we having these days.
This is my ridiculous experience at Manipal hospital on old airport road, With the same frustration I went to different super speciality hospital where doctor met and said I can get admitted for the same on friday and shall be operated on saturday morning without taking any consulation fees.
So Mr. A---- doctor pls change your self when u cant be a good human being u can never be a good doctor too forget about being good doctor you cant be called doctor only. Request Manipal management to control such incidents.. This is place where my grand parents and all have been treated which such doctors hospital will only loose its reputation...