I went to the gynaecology HOD of Manipal Hospital for my pregnancy, but was never attended by her.
First time I was attended by one of her assistants and I realized that I have more gynaecology knowledge than her, that is when I asked her if she is a gynaecologist and the answer shocked me. She is a STUDENT!!!! and guess what she was not being supervised by any other gynecologists. She missed out on many important tests needed in my case and I was guiding her in this regard.
HOD of Manipal gynaecology is oversubscribing herself by taking too many patients.
My feeling after visiting this department twice is that they are NOT CONCERNED about the patients. Their only concern is MONEY!!!!!!.
Please stay away from her ...............................
If this is the HODs morale how can one believe other doctors here.
Shame on you Manipal for choosing some one so bad as HOD and not listening to any feedback ..