My father was admitted at Manipal Hospital, salem for treatment of duodenum ulcer. A doctor name Rajasekaran, Gastrologist did operation since he said the ulcer lead to bleeding. At 8 days at ICU my father was transferred to normal ward. At 2nd day when my brother asked the Rajasekran doctor when he will remove the stitches in my father stomach bcos my father was getting nervous looking at it, the doctor replied Your fathers entire liver is gone, why do u bother about stitches?!!!!! and he walked away.
We were too dump-struck to reply anything and my father looked at us with tears. Is this is the way a doctor speak in front of a patient. Doctor SHOULD give hope and not scare a patient to death, even the patient condition is poor. My father passed away next day.
The reason was liver and kidney failure. Still I dont know how come ulcer lead to liver and kidney failure. He had drinking problem but according to recent report of one of the doctor whom my father was seeking his liver was 70% weak and kidney condition is very good. His diet was very good for the past 6 months before getting admitted. I still dont know what the doctors did at maipal. I still hope to god that they didnt take away my fathers kidney while operating and end my fathers life.
Also my father complained about the nurses at ICU. He said tat they kept hitting him bcos he was making noises in pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to write about this atleast for my father sake.