Hello everyone in this review I will tell you what to do if you are selected for civil engineering in mit manipal.First of all if u dont get any iit or nit or top state government college then think about mit Manipal civil engineering branch.The placement is not so good in civil engineering department. the amount of money which you are going to invest is very much so as compared to money you will not get output as you want.Any other branch like mechanical, electronic and communication, electrical engineering, information technology, anfcomputer science . If you get one of those branch then its good to be here in Manipal.In terms of academic activities it is good but some teachers are teaching bad and they are rude also.For the placement out of approximately 250 student, 20 to 30 get the placement.The package given to students is around 3 to 4 lacs.The building and campus is good . The hostel and mess are expensive.The hostel and mess charge for one year will cost you around one lac and if take ac room then one lac and twenty thousand rupees.Approx 16.5 lacs will be the total money you ned to pay for 4 years.The internship is also not offered to students so if u do not have any contact to any company then you will face difficulty to do internship or industrial training.