I would like to share best moment of my life. Being pregnant for 13 weeks today after seeing the heartbeat of my baby in my womb.
To reach this stage was not easy and came to our life with lodes of difficulties.I had very resistant ovarian and took many treatment in various clinics but follicular growth was not happening. Most of the doctors advised to go for egg donor.
By virtue of god one day got to know about Mannat fertility clinic though it was quiet far from my residence in white field but decided to give a try and met dr Archana Agarwal.In first meeting itself She ruled out Ivf and donor completely and suggested to go for IUI.
I was pleasantly surprised and initially thought she is not knowledgeable but when she explained me entire treatment in detail than I agreed for the same.In her treatment she advised to give heavy dosage of injection HMG.
In addition to medicines she advised me to meet mr Naveen from nvlife.in to harmonize mind-body-soul and I took few session from him and that was a complete transformation in my life and my entire thought process changed towards life.
Apart from this her confidence was too high and more than me she was sure that motherhood is quiet sure in my case. She kept insisting me to think positive and leave all worries to destiny.
First cycle of IUI got failed but most surprisingly my confidence and belief in her increased and we decided to go for another IUI cycle. This cycle worked in my favour and I did my urine pregnancy test at home itself and it was POSITIVE. Later we did some more tests in her clinic and good news was confirmed.
Kudos to her and her team.
Please feel free to reach me for further details at email : sneharati3@gmail.com