Never Ever go to Dr Archana Agarwal.She doesnt have any knowledge about gynecology.
She could not answer simplest of my questions. Every time I asked any question, she made an excuse of making a cup of coffee for herself, going to the other room as another patient was waiting etc. When I reminded her about the question, she even told me that I should not be reading/googling about all these as this creates a neagative energy. Ha ha ha ..
People are flocking to her only bcoz of fake, false reviews on the internet. Most of the fellow patients had not even heard her name.
I was shocked to see the bill. 35000/- (thirty five thousand)for all unnecessary, repetitive tests. She even wanted me to get HSG AGAIN though it was done 3 months ago.What kind of a doctor would suggest this? No IUIs and directly IVF though I am ttc from 1 year.
The only excuse I could make to run away from her was to tell her that I didnt carry cash/card and would be back to her with the money by evening. :)
Avoid ..Avoid..Avoid..Avoid her big time..