The only Year Book which contains all information regarding the whole world and special emphasizes are given on Domestic news . It only deliver the Current affair of last year but also allow to to gather knowledge about constant GK Which is more important and adorable .
It has a huge area to cover with some cases suitable article and picturesque to clarify the chapter easily and make the knowledge more concrete to make a long lasting effect on it .
It covers all the part of Indian from Pre-Historic time to present days History and from Discovery of early age to discovery of toadys new way of Invention of technology.
In this range of price it provide a huge number of page with some details info of some objects
Its binding is perfect with card board make it more durable and its pasting of pages are too sticky which never falls.
The only thing is that the quality of the paper is not too good and font size is too small in these cases they have to develop their Book.