I purchased MapMyIndia device almost six months back and found extremely useful even in rural areas. It has great level of details and you can find almost any place. You should get familiarized to search places via different means if you cannot find a place due to exact spelling etc. Best way is to find a destination on Google maps and specify coordinates on the map device. Due to voice, the device is very useful while driving. You should get used to it for a while to understand exactly when to take turn. Sometimes it wont show or say to take turn, mostly due to weak GPS signal in that area and you can miss the turn. Also, sometimes it may take you in circles. Hopefully this issue is resolved in the latest map upgrade(v6.0). It also helps sometimes even though you know the road due to voice guidance in many regional languages and you cannot miss turn.
Sales person promised to update maps free of cost for one year and when the time came, I was told that he was a fraud and he promised lot of things to many customers. Also, I was told that free upgrades during exhibitions had been discontinued, so I had no choice but to purchase the map update. It took me almost 5 days to upgrade the map after continuous follow-up with different persons. Finally I got it updated and it’s working great. Immediately after the update, next version was released with door numbers for few cities and I was not eligible for that as I had already utilized my update.
I strongly recommend this product provided you can support it to a certain level while updating maps etc.
Conclusion: It’s extremely helpful device if you are not familiar with different part of city or a frequent traveler to unknown areas. The company doesn’t care about the customers as we are stuck with the product.