I had gone online to buy 2 products from M & S, my order no being 2000111519 dated 8th June, paid on my Citibank Credit Card. Unfortunately only one of the two items I had purchased, was delivered to me.
I have since written 4 mails to them on 19th June, 25th June, 30th June and finally on 9th July. Each time I received an automated reply saying that there would be a response within 2 working days. Finally I heard from one Gaurangi on 2nd July- she mentioned no designation, just added Marks & Spencer below her name and assured me of a response at the earliest. Predictably, the company then went into automated response mode. Again!
In these covid 19 days, when more and more people will be shopping on line, specially senior citizens like me who cannot step out, dont you think they should be more responsive to issues like this? If they cannot be, they should stop online sales, since there are virtually no after sales service.
Or, as I strongly suspect, does the old colonial mentality exist.these are Indians, what do we care about service and obligations towards our customers in this country, even if they have already paid for the goods?
At any rate, I am out of a minor amount, Rs 1070.47 to be exact, but more importantly I have completely lost trust in Marks & Spencers on line sales.
I strongly urge others to be careful & benefit from my experience or you could end up losing money too.