Well! I went for 3 idiots last monday. reached mayajal multiplex just before movie starts.
I ordered 2 combos they said they will deliver it to movie theater seat. cool
I tried merry brown before also but in other places it was not that bad.
while watching movie finally a guy came with cold burger and chilled french fries . and only 1 sauce packet for 2 burgers
horrible taste.
with that combo we were supposed to get 1 mint/juice
when we realized that guy had gone.
later he came with another persons order and I catch him .
he said he is bringing it.
he brought two can later.
when we tasted it it was pure rasna mixed with sugar.
its total waste of money . I paid 120 rs for 1 combo.
instead of giving goof drinks they are cheating customers.
I went to the attendent of the counter named ROSARIO
he said, we give this only .
well its worthless to argue after giving money to someone.
ill suggest merry-brown to improve the level of the food quality
and advice others to not to go for it .
its a fraud food restaurant.