Over the past week ive done reviews on almost every album I have, .... I reviewed michael jackson, tupac , usher and now its the main mans turn to hear my opinion, EMINEM!.
marshall mathers lp(2000), is the follow up album of the slim shady lp(1999).
the shock effect hes had on music still hasnt faded, hes just spinning out more lines to keep the fans parents pi%$*d off!.
it is 1 of the highest selling rap albums of all time selling 17 million albums world wide since its release.
the most notable songs are stan, I never knew and the real slim shady.
the albums theme is pritty much the angry rap eminem fans have been craving.
buy it I urge you too. it is a throw back of the good old early 90s, and eminem isnt going the same direction as other rappers. hes not becoming a pop rap singer.
gangsta rap is better than where rap is going now.