This ad from maruti is a wonderful idea directly lifted from the fact that the maruti 800 is one of the best cars of all times providing a mileage which the other segments cant even go near to. If you really compare a maruti 800 with any other car available in the market, features wise you may discard 800 starightaway but once you start thinking about the consumtion of petrol you may start thinking about maruti 800 being the best. This opinion holds true when your spending power is limited(not for ohters)
About this ad, the concept as I have already mentioned is the best. the concept is lifted directly from the pluses of the car.creativity at its best in execution. the idea of chipping in a kid with a toy car in his hand and making moves here and there and everybody getting annoyed on his nuisance and at the end the striking reply from the kid is a wonderful sequence to watch.
No doubt the models in this ad make this ad worth watching.
yes people who know little bit about the efficiency of 800 may get carried away by this ad but otherwise in any other segment there is no difference in the averages of cars from maruti and other competitors. atleast it does not convince me about maruti. but otherwise the idea and execution of the ad is good, good to see but not to follow.
Neways I think my petrol station has come and I have to get my tank re-filled.